Roy Color Guard
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Welcome to the home of Roy High School Color Guard!

Welcome, you found us! Well, it's been another great year here at Roy High School. We started our Winter Guard Show and have it all done and it's looking pretty cool. We would like to thank our advisors: Liz , and Shanell for there support and also our cool new band teacher Mr. Joe Windsor for everything.
We placed  3rd at the Lions Lair Competition!
We placed 3rd at the Davis Competition!
We placed 2nd the Lone Peak Competition!
We placed 3rd Plaesant Grove Competition!
We placed 3rd in State at Woods Cross!
Congratulations to JoAnn Biddle and Cat Cash on taking 4th in at the Pleasant Grove Solo and Duet Competition and taking 3rd at State Solo and Duet.
Congratulations also to Maria Price and Justin Andersen for taking 2nd place in the Solo and Duet Competition at Pleasant Grove and for taking 2nd in State solo and Duet.


I have included some instructions on how to perform well in Colorguard, as well as any tips or tricks I've acquired throughout the years. Of course, I will include lots of pictures of Roy High School Color/ Winter Guard!

Please sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of this site. Also feel free to contribute to this site with your own tips.

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